Product Overview
Product Features
- Product Overview: The ride on toy is a super cool kids SHOVEL LOADER, designed to mimic real construction work scenarioses.
Product Value
- Product Features: It features an electrically powered shovel front loader, adjustable speeds and direction, remote control function, and an MP3 music board for entertainment.
Product Advantages
- Product Value: The ride on excavator prioritizes safety with shock absorbers, seat belts, and a slow start/stop function, providing a thrilling yet safe ride for children.
Application Scenarioses
- Product Advantages: The toy offers hours of entertainment, easy navigation, interactive experience for parents and children, and a rich audio experience with the MP3 music board.
- Application Scenarioses: The ride on toy has a wide range of applications and is suitable for children aged 3-8 years old, providing a fun and interactive playtime experience.